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The Vile Realm Arrives!

Somehow, I have managed to finish and publish The Vile Realm in 2020!

The Vile Realm is a direct sequel to Grim Work. The idea for the story has been around as long as Grim Work, and originally the two were one book! Splitting them was a much better decision; Grim Work introduces Marigold at a key point in his life, The Vile Realm expands upon him and his background.

With extra time under the pen (keyboard), I developed The Vile Realm from a novella into a longer story from the point of view of three characters, Marigold, Aveline, and Kostya.

Low, grim fantasy meets cosmic horror and creeping dread. The unseen becomes the seen and threatens the minds of all that know it.

Where next?

While focusing on The Vile Realm between April 2019 and November 2020, many ideas battled for supremacy to be the next book written. Taking Grim Work as the middle of the series, I'll be working on stories either side of it. The future of Marigold, and the past. There are many seeds for stories and notes to go on, but two tales in particular wouldn't let go.

But, I can't leave you hanging after the The Vile Realm, so The Dead and the Rotten is next on the list to write. An undead romance, though I doubt very much that one side of this arrangement would agree with that description...


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