In The Distant Future, The Past Is Revealed
I think it's a common thing among writers that cannot stop thinking to have multiple stories on the go. There have been somewhere been ten and twenty stories and all of the associated characters bouncing around my head for some time now. The struggle comes with deciding which one to write next. As a relatively unknown author I feel I have an easier time of exploring the stories I want to, in the order I'd prefer. Still, it does take a lot of work when it comes to deciding which one to go with, especially as life and other such things generally result in each book taking 12-24 months to write (I'm slow, alright).
Grim Work was the first fantasy book I published, but it wasn't the first fantasy book I came up with. The beast that is Havelock's Path (that I may finish one day) came first. 265k words was the first story in the planned trilogy, and it was a bit too much for me to deal with when it came to editing and finding my writing voice back in 2014 when I wrote it. It did, however, become the catalyst for a huge series! The Crystal Keep, Grim Work, and The Vile Realm are all in that series. As is The Dead and the Rotten.
As is Last Generation.
Last Generation has been cruising through time and space for as long as Havelock's Path, being the events that brings humanity to the world of Traverne (you didn't really think it was magic that Marigold despised, did you?). It is a very different tale to something like my published works, being the space-faring story of the Generation Ship Abeona as it delves ever deeper into the stars to find a planet that humanity can try again on. Such a journey is not a short one, and generations pass while the Abeona slowly decays and the stars offer no home. The remaining crew can but wait and hope, thinking of the future while reflecting on the generations that walked the ship's halls before them. A mineral excavation on one unsuitable planet changes things on the ship in a way that takes the greatest minds from the survivors.
Now, I am certainly not the type of person that can fully engage in writing two or more books at the same time. The Dead and the Rotten will be finished before work starts on the next book, I just couldn't wait to start actually making something of the Last Generation story, so hopefully this trailer will whet the appetite!