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I am hard at work!

Seriously! Thanks to flu and covid and weather and things, my outdoor exploits have been much reduced for several weeks now. I guess I'll have to admit that they've not been reduced enough for regular updates on this site, but they have been reduced enough for me to have finished a first, second, and third draft of The Dead and the Rotten. The book has been printed out, and gone over with red pen (my second favourite method of editing and detaching myself from the story), and the considerable notes from that pass are now in the process of being written up. I'm currently at 143 pages of 263 in that process.

After this is done I'll have to face my least favourite part of writing a book - adding a table of contents for the kindle edition. I don't know why, but the functionality in Word never seems to just work... It gives me the run-around, forces me to rename things, causes me to, well, scream at my monitor. Until it then somehow does work. I'm actually dreading it a bit more for this book as I've named the chapters: Chapter 1 Part One Chapter 1 Part Two Chapter 2 Part One Etc, etc. I don't think this is going to work in a table of contents. But, whenever it does or I work out how to proceed for the fifth time at this point, I'll then be onto my favourite part of editing - the Kindle edit! I should say edits, as I read through the Kindle version many, many times. The Vile Realm was somewhere in the thirties before I felt it was good enough to let others see. The Dead and the Rotten is shorter, but I doubt I'll be able to convince myself of its quality until double digit kindle reads at the very least.

I'm afraid I don't have any new images to share, so this is just a plain ol' boring piece of text.


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