December 2023
Marigold has work to do. Lots of work.
Xotolo is waiting, ready to pounce from beyond the reality we know. Already it begins to sow its seeds within the populace of Traverne. Trust is gone. Now there is only doubt.
Most would call Xotolo an impossible task; a cosmic entity of a size and mind and power beyond comprehension.
Marigold would agree.
So forget the space-bound bag of flab just for one moment. Sear is in dire need of repairs. Now is the time to take on something small, to remember how things used to be before they changed forever.
One last, normal job...
March 2019
Marigold wishes to settle in Illis, a pleasant land. Open plains, deep woodland, and iron-rich hills.
That was going to be a little difficult while the Crystal Cult was holed up in Mt. Spitertind. Sooner or later, the barbarian clan and the cult were going to come to blows.
Well, tonight was as good a night as any…
October 14, 2016
A train journey home for Owen breaks from its uneventful tradition when all of the phones in his carriage begin to ring simultaneously. A private number. Owen ignores the call and heads home from the station. Turns out it wasn't just the phones on his train. Owen soon discovers that the event occurred around the world, though it seems that nobody thought to answer it. Some kind of poorly judged advertising campaign, it appears.
Three months later, the private number rings again...
Havelock's Path
This is the big one. The story that has been with me since 2013, and will probably be with me for at least 2013 years more before I feel brave enough to show it to the world.
Wil Havelock gazes dreamily upon the outside from the high walkways of Stonewall. The outside is forbidden, The outside is empty. The outside is where Wil intends to travel.
Havelock's Path is a planned saga of stories that chart Wil's adventure across the abandoned stone sprawl of Bleakendom.
The Carraig Man
March 18, 2017
The Carraig Man is a short horror story that I wrote for the Pitlochry Festival Theatre "Winter Words".
The Carraig Man was one of the four winners chosen, and was read out to an audience on a chill winter evening. You can read the tale on the "Wandering" page of this very site.